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" Example Collection "

I introduce the example of the house here by using the drawing etc.There are a lot of images in the house. How does we designers answer the demand? How is the plan made? And, I introduce many about the house.
Please see.

Title List
No.8 Court House 4 Modern house in Japan
No.7 House in Nerima I introduce the luxurious house
No.6 House in Shakujii There are many narrow site in Japan
No.5 Small House 29.25 The house in Japan is small
No.4 I.S House I made the plan with the customer
No.3 Now and Future Part.2 House where we can live indefinitely
No.2 Now and Future Part.1 Plan changes with the family's change
No.1 Stairwell Stairwell has both the function, beauty
